Nail biting

Whether child or adult,it's simply a bad habit of Nail biting is annoying and a very hard to break habit which affects many people of all ages.
when you bite your nails, your nails aren't there to do those things. And by biting them, you are breaking the skin and maybe bringing germs into these openings in your skin. In fact, some people bite their nails and cuticles down so far, they bleed! When germs invade, they can get an infection.

Speaking of germs, there are germs under your fingernails, so when you bite them, those germs can go into your mouth. Think about all the icky stuff you touch all day long, like your baby sister's drool-dripping pacifier, your stinky gym socks, or slimy earthworms for your science project. You don't want those nasty germs getting in your mouth.

What cause the nail biting habit?

There are many factors causing the problem such as follows:

* Insecurity
* Nervousness
* Boredom
* Anxiety or
* Excitement

You may bite your nails in times of stress or excitement, or in times of boredom or inactivity. It can also be a learned behavior from family members. Nail-biting is the most common of the typical "nervous habits,"
Children may bite their nails more often when they are having problems at school or with friends. Talk with your child or his or her teacher about any new stress at school. Children are more likely to stop biting their nails when they understand what may trigger it. It is also important for your child to help choose a treatment method so he or she can use the treatment successfully.

You may bite your nails without realizing you are doing it. You might be involved in another activity, such as reading, watching television, or talking on the phone, and bite your nails without thinking about it.

What treatments are available for nail-biting?
*Try stress-management techniques if you bite your nails because you are anxious or stressed.
Paint a bitter-tasting polish, such as CONTROL-IT or Thum, on your nails. The awful taste will remind you to stop every time you start to bite your nails.
* Try substituting another activity, such as drawing or writing or squeezing a stress ball or silly putty, when you find yourself biting your nails. If you keep a record of nail-biting, you will become more aware of the times when you bite your nails and be able to stop the habit.

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